Clinical Companion for Maternity and Newborn Nursing: 2ed
₨ 5,052.00 ₨ 5,317.00 5052.0 NPR (5% OFF)
Provide competent and sensitive maternal and newborn nursing care with Clinical Companion for Maternity & Newborn Nursing, 2nd Edition! Ideal for quick reference in the clinical setting, this book offers the information you need on topics such as pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum care, and care of the newborn, including potential complications for each.
Child Protection: Guide For Midwives 2ed
₨ 5,173.00 ₨ 5,445.00 5173.0 NPR (5% OFF)
Midwives play a key role in enhancing relationships between a child and its parents for future well being. This book explores how the pressures inherent in the transition to parenting, and individual and social circumstances may make it difficult for mothers to respond sensitively to their babies' needs.
Breastfeeding Special Care Babies: 2ed
₨ 5,931.00 ₨ 6,243.00 5931.0 NPR (5% OFF)
Provides a practical guide to the various aspects of breastfeeding babies with special care needs. This book covers the basics of breastfeeding and lactation, positioning and attachment, milk supply, the impact of common drugs, as well as breast conditions and problems and their resolution. Attention is also paid to feeding the vulnerable baby.
Birth and Parenting Skills: New Directions in Antenatal Education 1ed
₨ 5,931.00 ₨ 6,243.00 5931.0 NPR (5% OFF)
A research-based, up-to-the minute account of the current status of antenatal education, focusing on the key challenges it faces in the future, offering suggestions for how these challenges might best be met.
A-Z Midwifery: 1ed
₨ 2,142.00 ₨ 2,254.00 2142.0 NPR (5% OFF)
Well illustrated with over 170 entries, together with a helpful array of figures, tables and pull-out boxes, this helpful guide includes a wealth of information arranged in a useful A-Z format. Published in conjunction with The Practising Midwife, this publication will be ideal for all midwives – whether qualified or in training – and all other health care professionals working in the maternity environment.
Ships from Overseas
Anatomy and Physiology for Midwives: 4ed
₨ 6,189.00 ₨ 6,514.00 6189.0 NPR (5% OFF)
This is a new edition of a highly popular textbook which presents the fascinating field of reproductive anatomy and physiology in a style which is ideal for those who are new to the subject.
Ships from Overseas
Adverse Outcomes in Maternity Care: Implications for Practice, Applying the Recommendations of the Confidential Enquiries 1ed
₨ 5,047.00 ₨ 5,312.00 5047.0 NPR (5% OFF)
Includes the key findings and recommendations of the Confidential Enquiries summarised, emphasising the implications for clinical practice.
Ships from Overseas
Advancing Skills in Midwifery Practice: 1ed
₨ 6,942.00 ₨ 7,307.00 6942.0 NPR (5% OFF)
A guide to continuing professional development needs and meeting the Post-Registration Education and Practice (PREP) requirements. It ensures that the health and wellbeing of the mother, baby and family remain at the forefront of care.
Ships from Overseas
Active Management of Labour: 4ed
₨ 10,479.00 ₨ 11,030.00 10479.0 NPR (5% OFF)
This manual encompasses a comprehensive approach to the management of labour. Based on the simple proposition that effective uterine action is the key to normal delivery, Active Management of Labour covers all aspects of delivery for nulliparous women with vertex presentation and single foetus.
Ships from Overseas
A Midwife's Handbook: 1ed
₨ 7,826.00 ₨ 8,237.00 7826.0 NPR (5% OFF)
Designed to provide nurse midwives with access to important clinical information, this resource includes nurse-midwifery management guidelines, such as when to manage independently or when to consult with the physician. It integrates alternative and complementary therapies along with key medical information specific to midwifery practice.
Ships from Overseas
Baillière’s Midwives' Dictionary: 14ed
₨ 2,147.00 ₨ 2,259.00 2147.0 NPR (5% OFF)
Baillière's Midwives' Dictionary is an indispensable resource relied on by midwives around the world. Now in its 14th edition, this handy dictionary has been fully updated to define terminology relevant to contemporary midwifery and related obstetrics.
Ships from Overseas
Study Guide for Maternal Child Nursing Care: 7ed
₨ 6,315.00 ₨ 6,647.00 6315.0 NPR (5% OFF)
Reinforce your understanding of maternity and pediatric nursing with this practical study guide! With chapters corresponding to the chapters in Maternal Child Nursing Care, 7th Edition, this workbook provides a variety of exercises and activities to help you review essential concepts, apply your knowledge, and learn to think critically.
Myles Textbook for Midwives: 17ed
₨ 8,463.00 ₨ 8,908.00 8463.0 NPR (5% OFF)
Written by midwives for midwives, Myles Textbook for Midwives has been the seminal textbook of midwifery for over 60 years. It offers comprehensive coverage of topics fundamental to 21st midwifery practice.
Midwifery Essentials: 3ed
₨ 4,042.00 ₨ 4,254.00 4042.0 NPR (5% OFF)

Midwifery Essentials provides quick access to facts, formulas and checklists and highlights strategies that midwives can employ to support women throughout the pregnancy, labour and postnatal periods.
Maternal Child Nursing Care: 7ed
₨ 20,084.00 ₨ 21,141.00 20084.0 NPR (5% OFF)
Master the essentials of maternity and pediatric nursing with this comprehensive, all-in-one text! Maternal Child Nursing Care, 7th Edition covers the issues and concerns of women during their childbearing years and children during their developing years
Introduction to Maternity and Pediatric Nursing: 9ed
₨ 13,137.00 ₨ 13,828.00 13137.0 NPR (5% OFF)
Build the knowledge and clinical judgment you need to succeed in maternity and pediatric nursing!
Communication in Midwifery: Theory and Practice 1ed
₨ 5,304.00 ₨ 5,583.00 5304.0 NPR (5% OFF)
Kind, honest and open communication is at the heart of midwifery care and maternity practice, and is vital in providing safe, person-centred care.

Core Curriculum for Maternal-Newborn Nursing: 6ed
₨ 13,011.00 ₨ 13,695.00 13011.0 NPR (5% OFF)
AWHONN's Core Curriculum for Maternal-Newborn Nursing, 6th Edition, the definitive resource for nurses taking certification examinations, provides the most up-to-date, accurate information available on today's maternal-newborn nursing practice.
Fetal Monitoring in Practice: 5ed
₨ 6,568.00 ₨ 6,913.00 6568.0 NPR (5% OFF)
The latest edition of this popular book is essential reading for all midwives and doctors working in the labour ward.
Foundations of Maternal-Newborn and Women's Health Nursing: 8ed
₨ 16,169.00 ₨ 17,019.00 16169.0 NPR (5% OFF)
Make sure you fully understand how to care for women and newborns! Foundations of Maternal-Newborn and Women's Health Nursing, 8th Edition integrates essential maternity information into the overall continuum of nursing care to show you how to provide safe care in the clinical setting.