Varcarolis' Manual of Psychiatric Nursing Care: An Interprofessional Approach 7ed
₨ 6,821.00 ₨ 7,179.00 6821.0 NPR (5% OFF)
Get easy-to-use guidelines to psychiatric nursing care in this quick clinical reference! Varcarolis' Manual of Psychiatric Nursing Care, 7th Edition provides an interprofessional approach to care based on patient problems and the latest DSM-5 criteria. 
Understanding Pathophysiology: 7ed
₨ 18,316.00 ₨ 19,279.00 18316.0 NPR (5% OFF)
Understanding Clinical Investigations: A Quick Reference Manual 2ed
₨ 5,426.00 ₨ 5,711.00 5426.0 NPR (5% OFF)
Ulrich and Canale’s Nursing Care Planning Guides, 8th Edition Revised Reprint with 2021-2023 NANDA-I® Updates: 8ed
₨ 7,579.00 ₨ 7,977.00 7579.0 NPR (5% OFF)

Confidently plan individualized care for clients in acute care, extended care, and home care environments with Ulrich & Canale's Nursing Care Planning Guides: Prioritization, Delegation, and Clinical Reasoning, 8th Edition.
Transcultural Health and Social Care: Development of Culturally Competent Practitioners 1ed
₨ 7,195.00 ₨ 7,573.00 7195.0 NPR (5% OFF)
This title is directed primarily towards health care professionals outside of the United States. It communicates current evidence-based knowledge in the area of transcultural care and meets the needs of health and social care practitioners who must change their practices to comply with national policies and the expectations of a multicultural public.
The Practice of Patient Education: A Case Study Approach 10ed
₨ 7,574.00 ₨ 7,972.00 7574.0 NPR (5% OFF)
With patients leaving the hospital sicker and more care being done in outpatient settings or at home, patients need to become active, informed participants on their health care team.
The ECG in Emergency Decision Making: 2ed
₨ 8,331.00 ₨ 8,769.00 8331.0 NPR (5% OFF)
Offering step-by-step instructions, this text describes how to use 12-lead electrocardiograms (ECGs) to make rapid and informed decisions in emergencies.
The Clinical Audit Book: 1ed
₨ 5,426.00 ₨ 5,711.00 5426.0 NPR (5% OFF)
This book will provide a clear and practical guide to implementing clinical audit in practice. Divided into three parts, it introduces and contextualises what clinical audit is and how it fits in with other strategies such as evidence-based practice.
The Art of Nursing: A Practical Introduction 1ed
₨ 6,184.00 ₨ 6,509.00 6184.0 NPR (5% OFF)
This unique book helps nurses identify and develop the personal qualities that go into "artful" nursing practice.
Surgical Nursing: Advancing Practice 1ed
₨ 13,012.00 ₨ 13,696.00 13012.0 NPR (5% OFF)
This comprehensive book looks at the art and science of surgical nursing. Covering many of the essential issues relevant to the care of adults undergoing surgery in a range of settings, the text explores the nature of surgical nursing in all its guises, addressing challenging contemporary issues and measuring outcomes.
Surgical Instruments: A Pocket Guide 4ed
₨ 7,826.00 ₨ 8,237.00 7826.0 NPR (5% OFF)
Make sure you can identify the many different types of surgical instruments! Surgical Instruments: A Pocket Guide, 4th Edition is a quick "go-to" source for information on over 160 of the most commonly used surgical instruments.
Study Guide for Understanding Pathophysiology: 7ed
₨ 5,683.00 ₨ 5,982.00 5683.0 NPR (5% OFF)
Reinforce your understanding of difficult pathophysiology concepts! Corresponding to the chapters from Huether’s Understanding Pathophysiology, 7th Edition, this study guideprovides a wide variety of activities and thousands of interactive questions to help you review and master pathophysiology content.
Study Guide for Pathophysiology: 7ed
₨ 5,304.00 ₨ 5,583.00 5304.0 NPR (5% OFF)
This loose-leaf copy of the full text is a convenient, accessible, and customizable alternative to the bound book. With this binder-ready edition, students can personalize the text to match their unique needs!
Student Laboratory Manual for Seidel's Guide to Physical Examination: An Interprofessional Approach 10ed
₨ 6,189.00 ₨ 6,514.00 6189.0 NPR (5% OFF)
Reinforce your understanding of physical examination and health assessment! Corresponding to the chapters in Seidel's Guide to Physical Examination, 10th Edition, this student laboratory manual helps you master the skills you need to perform a complete physical examination and health assessment.
Student Laboratory Manual for Health Assessment for Nursing Practice: 7ed
₨ 5,431.00 ₨ 5,716.00 5431.0 NPR (5% OFF)
Get the review and practice you need to master health assessment skills! Corresponding to the major chapters in Wilson & Giddens’ Health Assessment for Nursing Practice, 7th Edition, this student laboratory manualguides you through an assessment lab session for each of the textbook’s major topics and examination procedures.
Skills Performance Checklists for Nursing Interventions and Clinical Skills: 4ed
₨ 4,036.00 ₨ 4,248.00 4036.0 NPR (5% OFF)
Designed to accompany Elkin's Nursing Interventions & Clinical Skills, 4th edition text, these handy checklists serve as a valuable assessment tool for each skill presented in the textbook.
Seidel's Physical Examination Handbook: An Interprofessional Approach 10ed
₨ 8,210.00 ₨ 8,642.00 8210.0 NPR (5% OFF)
! Seidel's Physical Examination Handbook: An Interprofessional Approach, 10th Edition usesstep-by-step guidelines to make exam procedures easier to review and recall.
Seidel's Guide to Physical Examination: An Interprofessional Approach 10ed
₨ 18,063.00 ₨ 19,013.00 18063.0 NPR (5% OFF)
Learn how to conduct a patient-centered health history and physical examination! Seidel's Guide to Physical Examination: An Interprofessional Approach, 10th Edition takes a uniquely interprofessional collaborative approach to health assessment, with a strong emphasis on lifespan considerations and differential diagnosis of unexpected findings.
Saunders Nursing Survival Guide: Fluids and Electrolytes: 2ed
₨ 6,310.00 ₨ 6,642.00 6310.0 NPR (5% OFF)
Saunders Nursing Survival Guide: Fluid and Electrolytes, 2nd Edition presents a complete review of the ever-challenging topic of fluid and electrolytes, using lighthearted cartoons and mnemonic tools designed to make your learning experience more relaxed and enjoyable.
Ross and Wilson Pathophysiology: 1ed
₨ 5,178.00 ₨ 5,450.00 5178.0 NPR (5% OFF)
This latest offering from the highly regarded Ross & Wilson stable provides a sound, evidence-based grounding in pathophysiology for anyone studying or working in the allied health professions