A Medication Guide to Internal Medicine Tests and Procedures: 1ed
₨ 6,694.00 ₨ 7,046.00 6694.0 NPR (5% OFF)
Offering a unified resource for both clinicians and pharmacists, A Medication Guide to Internal Medicine Tests and Procedures provides concise, focused answers to common medication questions before, during, and after internal medicine tests and procedures.
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Winter's Basic Clinical Pharmacokinetics 6/e
₨ 2,014.00 ₨ 2,120.00 2014.0 NPR (5% OFF)
South Asian Edition ofWinter’s BASIC CLINICAL PHARMACOKINETICSWinter’s Basic Clinical Pharmacokinetics helps readers apply pharmacokinetics and therapeuticdrug monitoring to patient care.An easy-to-read, case-study format has made this text a favorite among students and clinicians.
Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics, 4/e
₨ 2,507.00 ₨ 2,638.00 2507.0 NPR (5% OFF)
Formerly Clinical Pharmacokinetics: Concepts and Applications, this fully updated Fourth Edition has been retitled Clinical Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics: Concepts and Applications to reflect the increasing body of knowledge linking the two concepts that explain the relationship between drug administration and drug response
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Introduction to the Pharmaceutical Sciences an Integrated approach, 2/e
₨ 1,771.00 ₨ 1,864.00 1771.0 NPR (5% OFF)
This unique textbook provides an introductory, yet comprehensive overview of the pharmaceutical sciences. It is the first text of its kind to pursue an interdisciplinary approach. Readers are introduced to basic concepts related to the specific disciplines in the pharmaceutical sciences, including pharmacology, pharmaceutics, pharmacokinetics and medicinal chemistry.
Handbook of Applied Therapeutics, 9/e
₨ 2,735.00 ₨ 2,878.00 2735.0 NPR (5% OFF)
Hand Book of applied Therapeutics, 9/e and is must-have resource for pharmacy, PA and NP students, as well as practicing clinicians, presents drug-related content in a bulleted, tabular, quick-access format to support therapeutic decision-making at the point-of-care. Now available in both mobile and print formats, this updated Ninth Edition provides in-depth information on the latest drug treatments for more than 85 diseases and conditions, including heart failure, schizophrenia, viral hepatitis and diabetes mellitus.
Essentials of Pharmacoeconomics
₨ 1,367.00 ₨ 1,438.00 1367.0 NPR (5% OFF)
This new text is designed for a student or practitioner who is unfamiliar with pharmacoeconomics. It provides a straightforward explanation of the essential pharmacoeconomics topics outlined by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE). It defines terminology used in research and covers the application of economic-based evaluation methods for pharmaceutical products and services. Readers will find examples of how pharmacoeconomic evaluations relate to decisions that affect patient care and health-related quality of life.
Essentials of Foye's Principles of Medicinal Chemistry
₨ 1,862.00 ₨ 1,960.00 1862.0 NPR (5% OFF)
Essentials of Foye's Principles of Medicinal Chemistry is a concise, quick-reference source of reliable information in the field. Derived from the highly regarded Foye's Principles of Medicinal Chemistry, this focused text provides an essential understanding of drug action and demonstrates its practical application to today and pharmacy practice.
Antibiotic Basics for Clinicians (SAE)
₨ 2,052.00 ₨ 2,160.00 2052.0 NPR (5% OFF)
Coverage of fundamental concepts related to antibiotics, including mechanisms of action, pharmacokinetics, and pharmacodynamics.
Ships from Overseas
Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics, 4/e
₨ 5,775.00 ₨ 6,078.00 5775.0 NPR (5% OFF)
The 1st edition of this book published in 1975, was the first significant attempt to address the educational needs of pharmacy students. This edition is more than an update of previously presented information it is a major revision with important information.
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Pharmacology for Medical Graduates, 5/e
₨ 1,703.00 ₨ 1,792.00 1703.0 NPR (5% OFF)
New topics on drugs for criminal offences, herbal medicines, dietary supplements, nutraceuticals, Antimicrobial Stewardship Program, National Health Programs.
Aulton's Pharmaceutics: The Design and Manufacture of Medicines 6ed
₨ 9,095.00 ₨ 9,573.00 9095.0 NPR (5% OFF)
The essential pharmaceutics textbook One of the world's best-known texts on pharmaceutics, Aulton's Pharmaceutics offers a complete course in one book for students in all years of undergraduate pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences degrees.
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Pharmacy Practice: 6ed
₨ 9,978.00 ₨ 10,503.00 9978.0 NPR (5% OFF)
The sixth edition of PharmacyPractice brings the contents completely up to date, reflecting emerging new roles for pharmacists both within the traditional employment areas
Pharmacy Management Software for Pharmacy Technicians: A Worktext: 3ed
₨ 15,284.00 ₨ 16,088.00 15284.0 NPR (5% OFF)
Pharmaceutical Analysis: A Textbook for Pharmacy Students and Pharmaceutical Chemists 5ed
₨ 7,200.00 ₨ 7,578.00 7200.0 NPR (5% OFF)
Pharmaceutical analysis determines the purity, concentration, active compounds, shelf life, rate of absorption in the body, identity, stability, rate of release etc.
Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics: 6ed
₨ 8,968.00 ₨ 9,440.00 8968.0 NPR (5% OFF)
‘This new edition of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics was really very helpful when I was doing an MSc course in Advancing Pharmacy Practice and it was really very helpful in all the clinical diseases I have to read for my PBL.
Clinical Pharmacology: 12ed
₨ 9,095.00 ₨ 9,573.00 9095.0 NPR (5% OFF)
The twelfth edition of this long-established textbook of clinical pharmacology (first published in 1960) continues its fine tradition of balancing science and practice for improved evidence-based drug therapy and good prescribing in therapeutic settings increasingly complicated by intercurrent disease and polypharmacy.
Ansels Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms and Drug Delivery Systems 12/e SAE
₨ 2,871.00 ₨ 3,022.00 2871.0 NPR (5% OFF)
The most trusted source on the subject available today, Ansel's Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms and Drug Delivery Systems, 12th Edition equips pharmacy students with everything they need to master the intricacies of pharmaceutical dosage form design and production and achieve successful outcomes in their courses and beyond.

Ships from Overseas
Lippincott's Illustrated Reviews: Pharmacology, 2nd SAE
₨ 3,496.00 ₨ 3,680.00 3496.0 NPR (5% OFF)
The most appreciated and preferred pharmacology resource for students studying the essentials of medical pharmacology, the Lippincott® Illustrated Reviews: Pharmacology, Second South Asian Edition, presents up-to-date drug information and latest therapeutic guidelines and has been revised as per the competency-based curriculum outlined by the National Medical Commission of India.
Brody's Human Pharmacology: 7ed
₨ 10,231.00 ₨ 10,769.00 10231.0 NPR (5% OFF)
Brody's Human Pharmacology is a well-established and much-loved textbook that guides students of medicine, pharmacology and other health professions through pharmacology from both basic and clinical perspectives.
Calculations for Pharmaceutical Practice: 1ed
₨ 4,794.00 ₨ 5,046.00 4794.0 NPR (5% OFF)
A comprehensive and clearly written book on pharmacy calculations, which covers all the calculations that students of pharmacy need to know in relation to pharmacy practice and clinical pharmacy.